Beyers Belgium Galaxy

Galaxy Sport Light

Beyers Belgium Galaxy

Galaxy Sport Light - 20 kg - 44 lbs

  • Easily digestible and highly energetic sports mixture, ideal for flights of < 400 km.
  • Basis of paddy-dari-safflower supplemented with 4 different types of maize, fat-rich seeds and grains.
  • Perfect balance of proteins (without peas), prevents a slump after some 7 flights.
  • During weekly flights < 150 km on the day of homecoming and the day after, 50% SPORT LIGHT & 50% PREMIUM HI-DIGEST ENERGY / PREMIUM VANDENABEELE / PREMIUM WAL ZOONTJENS YELLOW.


Cardy – paddy rice – white sorghum – Bordeaux maze – cribbs maize – small cribbs maize – merano maize – peeled oats – white wheat – peeled sunflower seeds – peeled barley – hemp seed – vetches – linseed – white seed – mung beans – balck rape – white millet – marien thistle

Analytical constituents

Carbohydrates 54,23% – crude protein 12,49% – crude fat 10,91% – crude fibre 7,80% – crude ash 2,14% – calcium 0,07% – phosphorus 0,31% – sodium 0,01% – lysin 0,41% – methionine 0,20%