Champions choose quality
Champions choose BEYERS
Everyone who has ever met Jos Thoné will agree with this description. He is an all-round player and winner with an enormous amount of feeling for pigeons. He is ambitious and passionate in his love for pigeon racing, and he is often ahead of his time.
In 2001, Jos was looking for an all-round and versatile mix that was adapted to his racing system and which he could use during the breeding and the moulting season too. In a nutshell, he required one feed mixture for the entire year. He wanted to avoid unnecessarily disrupting the pigeons’ intestinal flora and to make feeding pigeons as simple as possible for every fancier or loft keeper.
Pigeons have become faster and they train harder and better, which means that they need adapted husbandry and nutrition. It would be astonishing if Jos had not evolved since the time he first worked on the feed. He still wants a single feed mixture to serve as the main ingredient of the diet, and one that was good for all seasons. So, Jos and our Technical Consultant Ludo Wille looked into the possibilities for upgrading the mixture’s functionality with reduced addition of other mixtures during the seasons and an even better match for Jos’s current feed and racing system. BEYERS PREMIUM THONÉ OLYMPIC the result of that quest.
BEYERS made this film about the feeding program and racing system of Jos Thoné and his team together with Frans Strikker (SimulPlus) and Falco Ebben (PigeonPixels).