Beyers Belgium Premium

Premium Hi-Digest Energy 20 kg

Beyers Belgium Premium

Premium Hi-Digest Energy 20 kg -44 lbs

  • Easily digestible, but rich in protein and fat-rich  mixture for pigeons during the racing season.


  • Contains 17% cardy, 5% paddy rice, 5% brown rice, 5% hemp seed, 5% linseed, 5% buckwheat and 5% peeled barley.


  • At the beginning of the week, during the racing season, these ensure rapid recovery and build-up for the next flight.


  • During the racing season (flights up to 3 hours), you can supplement ORIGINAL YOUNGSTERS or ORIGINAL SPORT during the last feedings before basketing with of these protein and fat-rich  mixtures.



Dari white – cardi – red sorgho – buckwheat – peeled oats – peeled barley – hempseed – canary seed – linseed – paddy rice – wheat – white millet – brown rice

Analytical constituents

Carbohydrates 54,21%, crude protein 12,85%, crude fat 10,65%, crude fibre 9,80%, crude ash 2,33%, lysine 0,38%, phosphor 0,30%, methionine 0,21%, calcium 0,06%